Fleet Envirotanks
Private Diesel & Gas Fleet Systems
Fleet systems are tank systems designed for clients who are not selling the fuel in their tanks. Fleet systems are less expensive than Retail systems because we do not need meters that have been approved by Weights and Measures. Fleet systems can be found at trucking, logging, farming, oilfield and mining operations. Fleet systems are usually found any where trucks and large equipment are found.
The following is a sample of AGI’s Fleet offerings.
Tank With Utility Meter
This is a picture of a tank with a pump, strainer and AGI’s utility meter installed and wired at our factory. AGI’s utility meters are popular because they are inexpensive. For a better meter consider AGI’s bulk meter.
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Tank with Small Cabinet & Hose ReelThe Picture on the right shows a similar system as above except we have added a cabinet. Cabinets are nice because they provide drip containment and provide protection for your dispensing equipment.
Tank EnviroHood & Hose Reel
This is a picture of a tank with a hose reel and AGI’s Envirohood. The client that purchased this tank was concerned about security and mobility. AGI’s cabinet / Envirohood protects your equipment and gives on board storage.
Economical Fleet Card lockThe Picture on the right shows the most economical card lock we have installed. As you can see from the picture this card lock can be mounted and wired on our tank in Biggar. Instead of cards it uses chip keys that last longer than cards.
Split Tank With Fuel CubesThe Picture on the right shows the tank that we use to fuel our own equipment. It is a two compartment tank that stores both gas and diesel. We use our retail class Fuel Cubes for dispensing and we have hose retractors to keep our hoses off of the ground.
Tank with Card lock, EnviroHood and GeneratorThe Picture on the right shows a tank used in the oil patch to fuel contractors at a camp in Fort McMurray. This tank is loaded. The main unique feature about this tank was an on board generator and internet gauging. This tank was in the bush where there was no power.